💡 Big Idea Generator What is your big idea? Please describe the promotional idea you want to evaluate and try to limit your description to an "elevator pitch" of less than 15 words.Do you think this idea can be sorted, absorbed, and understood instantaneously by your target audience? Can it win over the audience in milliseconds? Does it confirm something they already believe and elevate it? Explain why.Does this idea have the potential to catch on in the market and build momentum? That is, do you think it's the kind of thing that could go viral? Explain why.Is this idea timely? Does it bring with it a sense of urgency, a warning, or an unfolding opportunity? Explain why.Is this promotional idea original? Are you among the first to deliver this message, or is it something that has been talked about before? Explain what makes you think this.Does this idea have depth you can explore in your copy? Is it something you can give a lot of proof to support? And is it something you can show to be relevant and useful for the prospect? Explain why.Is the idea emotional rich and stirring? Will this idea instantly stir up the reader's emotions in a way that will be useful rather than counterproductive for or distracting from the sale? Explain why.Please note, after you hit submit it can take up to 60 seconds for your results to display.